How do all the things get done? And what is the best way to communicate?
The following timeline provides an overview of how compliance and eligibility is completed.
The diagram below shows the communication structure between Students, Coaches, and the Director of Compliance:
This structure provides the most efficient use of recources and time:
At the top are the student athletes. Not only do they represent the largest group in population, but they are also the first point of questions.
Below the students are you the coaches. It is your job to filter questions that come from students. If you don't know the answer or if it is a complicated situation please ask the DOC.
At the very bottom is the DOC. It is my job to answer all the tough questions that you have.
This structure also moves in the opposite direction. The DOC relies on you to communicate information and direct your students to information tasks.
The goal for this communication structure is that Coaches can answer the basic and repeated questions of students while the DOC can answer and research the more complicated questions.
With 600+ student-athletes on campus the DOC cannot answer every student's basic question and still complete all compliance and eligibility tasks.